
Friday, February 8, 2013

May 2013 Update

  I, Vampire and DC Universe Presents replacements are announced

I previously reported that "I, Vampire" and DC Universe Presents  had been Canceled.

DC has replaced them with two political based books.  One of which, "The Green Team" is a new take on title they published In First Issue Special #2,  May of 1975.

For more info on the follwoing titles, Consult the link below:

1. The Green Team

2. The Movement

More Canceled titles Announced

DC Comics has reported that the following titles end in May:

1. Deathstroke
2. Fury of the Firestorm
3. The Savage Hawkman
5.Sword of Sorcery
6. Team 7

Here are my thoughts on what is coming in June:

1. New Gods. Orion is showing up in different titles even in May.

2. Another Teen Titian title.  Raven has been showing up in various titles as well.  DC has already said the New Teen Titans title will be lead by Raven.

3.  The Creeper.  The rumor has it that he shows up in Nightwing's April issue.

4. Another Young Justice Title. Either an individual or a team.

5. Freedom Fighters related title. It would be ashamed to have gone through 3 Freedom Fighters related series so far to just drop the idea.

6. Secret Six. I personally would like to see a different take on the team that incorporates ideas   from the classic and most recent versions of the team. 

That is all I have for now.

Go Forth and Do Well


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